1. Berusahalah semaksimal mungkin, niatkan karena Allah dan hanya untuk Allah;

2. Perbanyak mohon ampunanNya dan bertaubat kepadaNya

3. Serahkan segala sesuatunya kepada Allah karena Dialah yang mengatur kehidupan manusia di dunia ini.

4. Apa yang diperintah olehNya jalani, dan apa yang dilarang olehNya jauhi

Apabila ke empat hal ini dilakukan semuanya karena Allah dan hanya untuk Allah, maka  dia akan termasuk orang yang beruntung di sisi Allah


In essence the position of humans in the sight of Allah is the same, in accordance with the duties and work respectively. What distinguishes man before God is piety to Allah.

The world is made up of a variety of nations, tribes and cultures, Yang was asked by Allah is compassionate to one another. Not mutually destructive. Janganlan make mischief on the earth, if Allah wants to be loved. Expand create relationships (relationship) to strengthen the unity and integrity among peoples and among fellow ethnic and cultural

Why is this? Because all humans come from the same lineage Adan and Eve. Differences in skin color, language and place in which they live and rests not a barrier to the brotherly to know each other.

Nation-NATION and tribes

Allah says in the Quran Al Hujurat 49: 13 ie

يا أيها الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم إن الله عليم خبير [49:13]

  The meaning is, “O mankind, We created you from a male and a female and made ​​you a nation-state and tribes that ye may know each other-know. Verily the most honorable of you with Allah is the most piety among you. Surely Allah is Knower Know “.

Through this verse Allah tells us all that

1. The noblest of his condition are those who fear Him;

2. He has been telling people originally from a man and a woman.;

3. Of these two types of people so then he made ​​more and more people into nation-states and tribes;

4. Purpose made nation-states and tribes in order to help each other, help each other, mutual respect and mutual respect, and mutual compassion between them, like compassion towards himself.



Treasonous at worst is treasonous to the religion., Fellow human beings and which threaten the safety of the State. The addition of a leader who is believed to treacherous human lead, then he left his duty (neglect), so that all the affairs of abandoned and useless. Therefore do not abuse the position that had been given to him to draw personal benefits, families and groups, as full of common property rights is a violation